Where does time go ?
Anyway, I wanted to post today about something (someone actually) that I'm really interested in following which is an up and coming Maine writer. Maine has some amazingly creative artists as portrayed in paintings, photography, sculpting and of course, writing. (Stephen King is likely our most famous author.)
It is my belief that the newest writer that holds my interest will be one to keep watch of. Knowing her personally, it has been a journey watching her grow and lose herself within the characters she creates for her books.
She is currently embarking on a hefty endeavor called "NaNoWriMo" which is a month long challenge to write 50,000 words. Yikes, I'm a freelance writer and that makes me quiver with a healthy dose of fear !
I invite you to join me in following this talented Maine author as she chronicles her NaNoWriMo challenge on her blog "The Write Life"

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